Monday, June 14, 2010

Mistake #3 You rely on Your Mind too Much

I am looking forward about this particular Lifestyle Development coaching where we are going to take care of ourselves before we can gain full confidence, energy and passion to make our BIG projects and lifetime dreams happen.

Most people, prior to starting out any Lifestyle Development coaching, are people who think that “doing” is the only thing that matters and that the sense of being and feeling is just a challenging aspect in their lives.

Do you always let your thoughts and mind control you without considering what your body has to say?

Are you too dependent on your human nature to think and rely on logic that you somehow forget that your body and your intuition are still vital parts of who you really are?

It is time to recognize the subtle patterns in your life and realize that when you rely too much in your mind, you will be in the anxious state and you will forget how to take good care of yourself, your spirit and your flesh.

Let’s dig deeper into the real meaning of this by reassessing what line of thoughts you had yesterday and what you have had today and take note of the details especially thoughts that make you feel down and low. Examples would include: “I am never good enough.” “If I will not figure out a way to go through with this, I will lose all.” “I wonder if he really cares. He didn’t sound too enthusiastic at all.” What you need to do is simply recognize where your thoughts are leading you, how much energy you are spending just to find the answers to these uncertainties and how your body will react with the stress you are putting into it.

I want you to recognize one of the vital pieces in your life:

No matter who you are, it is your responsibility and right to preserve the harmony of your mind and body. You need to take things slow by taking the steps one by one – never embracing more than you can handle and connect more to your intuition. It is time to trust your wisdom that is integrated into your being. By doing so, you are giving yourself the power to be creative and achieve your full potential.

If you rely on your mind too much that you fail to reconnect to your body, you are putting so much stress on yourself that it entertains many negative energies such as fear, anxiety and exhaustion. But, if you take advantage of your innate wisdom and let your creativity and potential to take over, your mind can relax and make logical decisions that can make your BIG LEAPS successful therefore your life will be in total harmony, which can take you to a place of joy and success.

There are many things that will prevent you from reconnecting to your body such as illnesses, poor self-image, societal restrictions, miscarriage, idiopathic weight gain, hormonal changes and overflowing intellectual arguments. All of these things could disintegrate us from our bodies and fail to recognize the wisdom sown within.

There may be some part of you, somewhere deep down inside, that is afraid of losing control. That if you loosen your grip a little, you would feel that everything else will be compromised such as your finances, missing wonderful opportunities and fail your reasoning abilities. The fact is that when you let your wisdom guide you, you are actually treading the path of becoming your genuine self and achieve full confidence to make the things you desire in your life happen.

Reconnecting to your innate wisdom can be a challenge and it does not happen right away especially when you have been busy in entertaining logic and reasoning too much. The only way you can tap into your wisdom is to start practicing to use it so that you can be comfortable with its presence again. I will guide you through the process of practicing the use of your wisdom so that your focus can shift from thinking to centering your body with wisdom and intuition. As a result, you will be able to make vital decisions that will make things work for you:

Stop and take some time off: Your life is a vicious cycle where you can get caught up in one of the webs. You become too busy running errands, make lists, socializing and working that your brain could not handle the strain. If you learn how to stop and take some time off your busy life – without mails, calls or household chores – you are actually creating a breathing room so that positive energy will start flowing in again. Your brain can relax and rest while your body follows. It is not necessary to make prolonged break time. Even a few minutes off from your day while you enjoy silence and tea or be soothed with music is enough. If your work requires you to work long time, you might want to take 5-minute breaks in between. You will never know what it feels like to take a break unless you try one!

Stay physically fit: Take the time to nurture your body to stay physically fit by engaging in activities that you consider fun and relaxing. It might range from taking yoga class and dancing class to brisk walking or biking. Any physical activity that will get you moving while becoming well-aware of your body will do.

Breathe: Learning the correct way of breathing is a way to get your mind and body relaxed and in complete harmony with each other. Breathing can shift your attention from thinking too much to becoming aware of yourself. It is not necessary for you to be a yogi or maintain the state of Zen in order for breathing to work. A simple combination of deep and shallow breathing while sitting in a comfortable chare will actually give you the same benefits.

Make use of your Five Senses: Have you ever been too busy about your life that you forget what it was like to fully immerse yourself into your surroundings and feelings? Can you recall the exact time and location when you started noticing the intricate details of your furniture and the way the sun shine into your room? Can you remember how great it is to listen to the way birds sing and the sense of peace while your cat purrs on your lap? The more you face life by using your five senses, the more you will become aware of your body and reawaken the person within you that you have put to sleep because of your busy life.

Pamper yourself: Getting a full body massage is not only a means to pamper yourself but it is also a way for you to allow positive energy flowing into your mind and into your body. If you add drinking lots of water in the equation, it will complete the formula.

I know how valuable these practices are basing on my own experience! At some point, when I was just fresh and starting, I often feel like I am constantly agitated, stuck, exhausted and overwhelmed. I could hardly remember if I did something worthwhile despite convincing myself of my constant efforts. After a while, I realized that I was just relying too much on my thinking abilities that I completely missed the things that really matter! I stopped making decisions basing from my intuition and wisdom and I have not taken care of myself ever since!

Therefore, I made a radical change in my life and that is to prioritize my overall well-being over what lies ahead. I decided to stop and take time even a few hours of my daily schedule devoted solely for myself. I started spending time relaxing in yoga classes, taking peaceful walks, pampering myself, meditating and anything and everything that makes my soul and body reunite again. These little things made big changes in my life and everyday I felt more and more becoming my genuine self that make me regain back my passion and energy. The results of these little shifts are also radical! I have been more productive and I could spend a few extra hours for myself as well because I developed a system that made me function more efficiently without compromising any aspect of my being. I know that this amazing thing resulted from giving me the time and space to fully immerse my mind to my body while filtering out unproductive and negative thoughts aside.

Today, I am here working for Lifestyle Development Coaching to fully help people find reconnection to their purpose and heart, recognize their fears and to reunite the mind, body and spirit for the sole purpose of achieving success and fulfillment in life. This way you can enjoy tons of passion, vigor and confidence into your BIG projects and your life.

Now is the time for you to start identifying which areas of your life would help you shift your focus from thinking into your sense of being. I would suggest that you go through the different questions below and be able to recognize the ways wherein you are relying on your mind too much and restricting the flow of your passion, wisdom and energy.

The purpose of these questions is for you to reunite your wisdom, gifts and vision to yourself.

1. What are the things that make you disconnected from your body and wisdom?


• Eating too much
• Working nonstop
• Spending too much
• Vices

2. What are the things that prevent you from complete reconnection to your body?

3. What are the benefits you can get when you shift your focus from your mind into your body?

4. What can you do TODAY so that you can start shifting your focus from your mind into your body and wisdom so that you can allow vigor, passion and creativity to flow into your inner self?

Mistake #2 Fear of Becoming BIG and Successful

In the last Lifestyle Development coaching, I told you the importance of being connected to your purpose and your heart’s desire so that you can be successful with whatever endeavor you choose to undergo. It led us to this important realization – your fears are the walls that you need to go through in order for you to become successful and obtain the happiness you wish to pursue.

I have faith in you no matter who you are or from where came from. I know that within your heart you have a deep sense and desire to demonstrate your fullest potential and show the world what you are capable of. Even if you are a modest person, deep within you is a person who wants to break free and show off what you can do especially in performing wonderful things so people can recognize you.

The only obstacle that your inner self is facing right now is your conscious fear of becoming big that the person within you is stuck at being small. For instance, your business has the potential of expanding and getting big but you just do not visualize it like that. Or, you have the capacity and the skill to assist others but you do not offer them any workshops to help them improve. Or, you have been a successful volunteer in an organization and you know you can still do many things but you chose to lay low and avoid taking the reign of leadership. Or, you have been keeping notes of wonderful events of your life that you can share yet you chose to keep them all as notes – unpublished and unknown to most.


The reason behind this is because you are afraid of going public, which is the haven of criticism and failure but along this thought you are also afraid of succeeding and becoming greater than your family and friends and it would make you feel isolated from your comfort zone. How long will you try to hide the fact that you have the capacity to live up to your full potential? How long will you tell yourself stories about why you cannot achieve success? Have you ever told yourself that you need to be humble and modest at what you are capable of? Do you often think that you are not good enough? Have you ever thought that you don’t have enough time and money and that people will not like you? Did you start convincing yourself that it’s not worth doing, it’s already done or you don’t know if you can make it? When you are in the “uncertain” situation, you forget to think beyond the box and you get stuck because you think you cannot face the risk.

The longer you linger on these “uncertain” things, the more real they become to you but I guarantee you – they will remain uncertain unless you do something about it! In reality, they are your unconscious excuses not to work for something that you are capable of because you are afraid of the risks. The fact remains that you can do it, you are good enough and you deserve to be successful. These “uncertain” things are invisible chains that keep you from creeping into the limelight of success. They keep you from becoming who you truly are and they restrict you from doing what you think can help the world a better place to live in.

In Lifestyle Development Coaching, we strive to acknowledge your fears and the uncertain things that revolve around you. As a result, you can start moving past them and start making a difference for yourself and for the world. And, no matter how big your projects are, you will still work hard and accomplish them!

The only way you can get past them is to start recognizing and facing your fears that keeps you where you are – never moving forward. The following questions will help you uncover your greatest fears and begin to recognize the usual patterns in your life. As you answer them, you will begin to look at the whole situation in a new perspective and make you realize that there is a bigger world to explore out there.

Always remember, you can answer the questions in whatever pace you like.

1. What are the certain aspects of your life or career where you think something is missing and that you don’t feel fully satisfied? Hint: These are the areas of your life where you CAN actually become successful but for some reason you are being restricted. Make a list of the things where you are ready to go beyond your comfort zone.

For instance:

• I am ready to pursue my skills in writing.
• I am ready to hone my marketing skills and strategies.
• I am ready to explore the world just what I was meant to be.
• I am ready to commit to romance and love.

2. What are the risks that you are likely to face if you start pursuing these aspects of your life? Write down the possible areas where you might feel the greatest risk.

For instance:

• I might have lesser time for myself since I will be very busy.
• I might compromise other areas in my life such as family and friends.
• I am afraid I will face their criticism.
• I might hurt the ego of my father especially when I become more successful than he is.
• I might be tempted with money too much that I might lose my humanity.

3. Now you recognize that you are only afraid of your own ghost, what are the different opportunities you passed or missed because of your fears and worries?

For example: “My fear of criticism prevents me from…

• achieving what I really wanted as a writer
• filling a form on online dating
• getting the promotion I truly deserve
• enjoying a 30th celebration of my birthday
Once you are through answering the questions and you realized that there are more fears than you thought there are at first then you have actually moved on from someone who is stuck inside your box to someone who is now looking outside the box. You have finally broken free from your chains and are now working towards the fulfillment of your career, life and relationships. BE BIG, BE SEEN and BE SUCCESSFUL!

Mistake #1 Disengaging from Your Goals and Your Heart’s Desire

Have your ever experienced dry periods in your life when you feel like you do not have any goal to pursue and no passion left to feel?

Do you feel like you do not have enthusiasm left that you feel like everything is going to be out of sync? You work hard to achieve something and yet you do not see any results.

Do you ever wonder whether the life that you are living right now really reflects the real YOU or do you live your life simply to show others that you can?

As a person, you wanted to be a model of inspiration and passion so that you will move others in gradual success with more enthusiasm, balance and harmony between heart and soul. If instead you felt otherwise that you are lacking the excitement, positive reinforcement and energy, you might want to know one fact…

You are slowly disengaging from your goals and your heart.

Disengaging from your goals and your heart is the first mistake that you are going to commit when pursuing your own success whether in your career, relationships, business endeavor or personal goals. If you disengage from the things you want, it will lead you to the pit of despair where you will feel even more frustrated, unfulfilled and you fail to move on.

I have worked with a lot of people from all walks of life – company CEOs, conference managers, lawyers, moms, travelers, marketing personnel, entrepreneurs and graphic designers – who felt like they are slowly disengaging from their very purpose and their desire.

I hear them speak about their lives and things such as:

• I pursue law because it’s what I thought I ought to be.
• I often wanted to write a book because I have a great idea about it yet I ended up not doing it.
• I have been dreaming to open my own business but somehow I love my own work that I think it is good enough.
• I always wanted to earn extra income even when I’m at home with kids.
• My business fared well but I couldn’t consider it excellent somehow something is always missing.
• I realized I always end up wanting for more when I start organizing a certain project.
• I always wanted to travel but I just couldn’t find time to do it because I need to do things where I am now.

These are the things that would lead you to discover your heart’s genuine desire. These are your markers that you are still well-endowed with skills, interests, gifts and visions that you have not started to cultivate yet. This is the time where you start edging closer to pursue your goals and bring back the perspective into your life.

If you want to build a successful business endeavor, career or important project, it is imperative that you take your time and listen to what your heart says especially what you really want to achieve for yourself. Make it a never-ending habit. Success will not fall into your lap by rushing things. There is no other way than to go through the slow and painstaking process of building your own success. The result would be even more rewarding and fulfilling than when you rush to do things. Skipping this step will only lead you to confusion, desperation and discouragements because you are half-hearted with what you really want to achieve.

The process of Lifestyle Development will assist you in realizing your dreams and provide efficient guidance on achieving them.

Therefore, ask yourself…

What are the things my heart really wants that I wanted to rest of the world to see and know?

Successful people already know what the answer to this question really is. For them, maintaining their pace and gradually moving towards success without detaching themselves from their true purpose and heart of the matter.

The best option is to overcome all the uncertainties that you have and start believing that you can achieve success despite the challenges that you meet. From here, you will achieve complete unification of your desires and your perspective to watch in bird’s eye view of your projects, career and finances so that your fulfillment in life will multiply exponentially.

There are questions that you need to ask yourself in the process of Lifestyle Development in order to achieve success.

As you prepare yourself to answer these questions, I want you to stop and listen to your heart first. Take a few deep breaths and relax your mind and soul so that you can start reconnecting to your inner self.

Remember, you do not have to rush answering these questions. You can answer them at your own pace and at your own time. Answer the questions in any order without stopping to edit them. Answer them in all honesty with what is written in your heart.

1. What are the uncertain thing that keeps you rooted to the spot and drains your enthusiasm and passion?

For example:
• I must pursue a traditional career to please my parents.

• I should to stop being picky when it comes to clients otherwise my business will fail.

• I must write a book but perhaps with a partner because I have no prior experience with book writing.

• I must have a place of my own in an urban area.

2. Do you have enough time, passion, energy or money to invest in all your endeavors? Realizing your dreams entail a lot of investments whether it is your time, passion, energy or finances. It is the only way that you can show the world your unique and individualized gifts. This is core of your being. The purpose on proceeding with your decisions.

3. Do you have the right vision and perspective for your life? How do you visualize the world? Do you have something that you believed in so much that your focus is to let the world know about it?

These are the most basic questions that you need to answer along the way. No matter how long it takes you to answer one, you are now beginning the process of discovering your true potential so that you can get things in a higher level. Your success depends on how much effort, time, passion and will you are willing to invest. This is the only way that you can achieve your purpose and your heart’s desires. You are now ready to take a step towards learning further with Lifestyle Development where you will overcome yet another mistake to achieve success.