Monday, June 14, 2010

Mistake #1 Disengaging from Your Goals and Your Heart’s Desire

Have your ever experienced dry periods in your life when you feel like you do not have any goal to pursue and no passion left to feel?

Do you feel like you do not have enthusiasm left that you feel like everything is going to be out of sync? You work hard to achieve something and yet you do not see any results.

Do you ever wonder whether the life that you are living right now really reflects the real YOU or do you live your life simply to show others that you can?

As a person, you wanted to be a model of inspiration and passion so that you will move others in gradual success with more enthusiasm, balance and harmony between heart and soul. If instead you felt otherwise that you are lacking the excitement, positive reinforcement and energy, you might want to know one fact…

You are slowly disengaging from your goals and your heart.

Disengaging from your goals and your heart is the first mistake that you are going to commit when pursuing your own success whether in your career, relationships, business endeavor or personal goals. If you disengage from the things you want, it will lead you to the pit of despair where you will feel even more frustrated, unfulfilled and you fail to move on.

I have worked with a lot of people from all walks of life – company CEOs, conference managers, lawyers, moms, travelers, marketing personnel, entrepreneurs and graphic designers – who felt like they are slowly disengaging from their very purpose and their desire.

I hear them speak about their lives and things such as:

• I pursue law because it’s what I thought I ought to be.
• I often wanted to write a book because I have a great idea about it yet I ended up not doing it.
• I have been dreaming to open my own business but somehow I love my own work that I think it is good enough.
• I always wanted to earn extra income even when I’m at home with kids.
• My business fared well but I couldn’t consider it excellent somehow something is always missing.
• I realized I always end up wanting for more when I start organizing a certain project.
• I always wanted to travel but I just couldn’t find time to do it because I need to do things where I am now.

These are the things that would lead you to discover your heart’s genuine desire. These are your markers that you are still well-endowed with skills, interests, gifts and visions that you have not started to cultivate yet. This is the time where you start edging closer to pursue your goals and bring back the perspective into your life.

If you want to build a successful business endeavor, career or important project, it is imperative that you take your time and listen to what your heart says especially what you really want to achieve for yourself. Make it a never-ending habit. Success will not fall into your lap by rushing things. There is no other way than to go through the slow and painstaking process of building your own success. The result would be even more rewarding and fulfilling than when you rush to do things. Skipping this step will only lead you to confusion, desperation and discouragements because you are half-hearted with what you really want to achieve.

The process of Lifestyle Development will assist you in realizing your dreams and provide efficient guidance on achieving them.

Therefore, ask yourself…

What are the things my heart really wants that I wanted to rest of the world to see and know?

Successful people already know what the answer to this question really is. For them, maintaining their pace and gradually moving towards success without detaching themselves from their true purpose and heart of the matter.

The best option is to overcome all the uncertainties that you have and start believing that you can achieve success despite the challenges that you meet. From here, you will achieve complete unification of your desires and your perspective to watch in bird’s eye view of your projects, career and finances so that your fulfillment in life will multiply exponentially.

There are questions that you need to ask yourself in the process of Lifestyle Development in order to achieve success.

As you prepare yourself to answer these questions, I want you to stop and listen to your heart first. Take a few deep breaths and relax your mind and soul so that you can start reconnecting to your inner self.

Remember, you do not have to rush answering these questions. You can answer them at your own pace and at your own time. Answer the questions in any order without stopping to edit them. Answer them in all honesty with what is written in your heart.

1. What are the uncertain thing that keeps you rooted to the spot and drains your enthusiasm and passion?

For example:
• I must pursue a traditional career to please my parents.

• I should to stop being picky when it comes to clients otherwise my business will fail.

• I must write a book but perhaps with a partner because I have no prior experience with book writing.

• I must have a place of my own in an urban area.

2. Do you have enough time, passion, energy or money to invest in all your endeavors? Realizing your dreams entail a lot of investments whether it is your time, passion, energy or finances. It is the only way that you can show the world your unique and individualized gifts. This is core of your being. The purpose on proceeding with your decisions.

3. Do you have the right vision and perspective for your life? How do you visualize the world? Do you have something that you believed in so much that your focus is to let the world know about it?

These are the most basic questions that you need to answer along the way. No matter how long it takes you to answer one, you are now beginning the process of discovering your true potential so that you can get things in a higher level. Your success depends on how much effort, time, passion and will you are willing to invest. This is the only way that you can achieve your purpose and your heart’s desires. You are now ready to take a step towards learning further with Lifestyle Development where you will overcome yet another mistake to achieve success.

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